The Adaptable eLibrary offers eResources, eContent and eTraining materials, developed for self-directed learning and team-based workshops.
Modules are available for purchase.
eLibrary Sample Learning Resources
Identifying Your Patterns - Part 1
In this module you will:
Identify your extreme patterns and how they are serving your purpose/ goals
Identify middle ground IF the situation calls for it
Use your natural strengths in the process (to be continued)
Time: 1h 30min
Activity: writing and sharing ideas
Identifying Your Patterns - Part 2
In this module you will:
Identify your extreme patterns and how they are serving your purpose/goals
Identify middle ground IF the situation calls for it
Use your natural strengths in the process
Time: 1h 30min
Activity: writing and sharing ideas
Managing Self-defeating Behaviours
In this module you will learn:
Strategies for overcoming procrastination and avoidance
Hidden drains on your time and energy
Pleasure and self-care
Time: 1h 30min
Activity: writing and sharing ideas
Thinking Blind Spots
Relationships and Attachments Styles
Self-Defeating at work and with money
Be So Good
From Shame to Self-Compassion
eResources Coming Soon…