
We know folks.

We understand and operate within the anthropology, social and neuroscience of adaptability. We provide human-centered solutions to all products, services and innovation you are aspiring to develop.

Research, subject matter expertise and creativity are a few of our superpowers. 

Our Services

Virtual (VR)/ Augmented (AR) and Mixed Reality 101

At Adaptable Folks, we are looking to bring AR / VR/ MR experiences to professionals and students alike. Immersive learning has shown to be a powerful addition to learning especially when it comes to skills/practice-based professions. Healthcare is one of these places where multi-media-based resources can have a major impact on time and cost saved, as well as, better knowledge-to-practice retention (know-how to know-do).

We are in the process of procuring and collaborating with companies in these tech spaces. Adaptable Folks Inc. hopes to have modules available to try out and receive real-time feedback from the users.

We are also interested to see if motivation and fear are part of the tech-use experience.

More to come here so watch this space.

 “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Charles Darwin